BISP Transgender Kafalat Program
Transgender People: It has been decided to include transgender people in the Benazir Kafalat program. Registration for eunuchs in the Benazir Kafalat program has started. If there is a transgender person near you, you can help him by getting him registered in the Benazir Kafalat program.
The government of Pakistan has taken this decision to provide a stable place in society for transgender people so that they are not humiliated in society and do not have to beg. Therefore, now transgender people will also be able to get assistance from the Benazir Kafalat program. Registration for the Benazir Kafalat Program has started for transgender persons who can register by visiting their nearest BISP tehsil office.
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Benazir Kafalat Program For Transgender
Transgender people are included in the Benazir Kafalat program on behalf of the Benazir Income Support Program. In this regard, a day has fixed by the BISP program to provide support to transgender people so that they do not have to face any difficulties. The BISP program for transgender people has fixed on Friday; on this day, they can visit their nearest BISP registration center to get registered and get information about their other issues.

Transgender persons also have to undergo a BISP NSER survey before registering for the Benazir Kafalat program, which is a condition of the BISP program. However, some relaxation has done in this survey for transgender women. So that more people can benefit from the independent sponsorship program. Therefore, eunuchs can go to their nearest BISP tehsil office and register under the Benazir Kafalat program.
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Transgender Benazir Kafalat Program Registration
Registration of transgender women in the Benazir Kafalat program has relaxed. Because many eunuchs are homeless and they need a lot of financial support. So, the government has shortened the registration procedure to provide maximum assistance to them.
- Visit your nearest BISP tehsil office for transgender registration.
- Do your survey from the NSER survey registration desk available there, get the slip, and hand it over to the BISP representative.
- Transgender persons must have their original identity card valid at the time of registration for registration.
- Transgender persons will given a registration form. Which they have to fill out with certain information and submit back to the BISP tehsil office.
- After the submission of the form, complete verification of transgender persons will done by the BISP program. After that, they will issued assistance under the Benazir Kafalat program.
Eligibility Criteria
A brief eligibility criteria has set for the inclusion of transgender persons in the Benazir Income Support Program. By following this, they can get their registration do in the BISP Kafalat program. Eligibility criteria are give below.
- They must have an identity card, and it must have “Khawajasara” written on it.
- A transgender person may not have any source of income and is living a life of poverty.
- The transgender should have a Khawajasaracertificate attested by the town committee.
- A transgender person should have no personal property, neither a house nor any agricultural land.
- There should be no personal bank account in their name
- The applicant’s transgender should have the original identity card of his group leader’s eunuch.
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Transgender BISP Kafalat program
If the applicant is find to eligible under the Khawa Jasara Benazir Kafalat program. Then the government provides him with a double Benazir Kafalat program installment. Therefore, such helpless eunuchs who are force to live a life of poverty can live a better life by registering themselves in the Benazir Kafalat Program. And getting better employment opportunities by getting assistance from the Benazir Kafalat Program.
Therefore, such transgender people should register themselves in the Benazir Income Support Program. As soon as possible so that the government can assist them. If you are facing any difficulties, then you can approach your nearest BISP office. Where full support will be provided to you.
بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام میں خواجہ سراؤں کو شامل کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے۔ بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام میں خواجہ سراؤں کی رجسٹریشن شروع ہوگئی۔ اگر آپ کے قریب کوئی خواجہ سرا ہے تو آپ اسے بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام میں رجسٹر کروا کر اس کی مدد کر سکتے ہیں۔
حکومت پاکستان نے یہ فیصلہ خواجہ سراؤں کو معاشرے میں ایک مستحکم مقام فراہم کرنے کے لیے کیا ہے تاکہ وہ معاشرے میں ذلیل نہ ہوں اور انہیں بھیک مانگنے کی ضرورت نہ پڑے۔ اس لیے اب خواجہ سراء بھی بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام سے مدد حاصل کر سکیں گے۔ بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام کے لیے خواجہ سراؤں کے لیے رجسٹریشن شروع ہو گئی ہے جو اپنے قریبی BISP تحصیل آفس میں جا کر رجسٹریشن کروا سکتے ہیں۔
The government of Pakistan has taken this decision to provide a stable place in society for transgender people so that they are not humiliated in society and do not have to beg. Therefore, now transgender people will also be able to get assistance from the Benazir Kafalat program. Registration for the Benazir Kafalat Program has started for transgender persons who can register by visiting their nearest BISP tehsil office.