Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
Eligibility & Withdrawal

Eligibility & Withdrawal

Eligibility & Withdrawal: The Benazir Income Support Program has formally announced the payments for 2025 under the BISP Kafalat 13500 March Installment. The stipend of Rs 10500 starting from January has increased to Rs 13500. The aim of this initiative is to provide relief to low-income families, especially women. Women who are unable to meet their basic needs due to rising inflation and economic difficulties. They are provided assistance in this program. In addition, the Benazir Income Support Program has also set a target of registering people from 13 more districts in the program.

To ensure that maximum women can be registered in this welfare program. Therefore, 13 more districts of Pakistan have been included in this program. The increase in BISP maintenance payments will help address the problems faced by the marginalized sections of society. With inflation on the rise, the Government of Pakistan, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, has taken this step to ensure that low-income women can easily meet the essential expenses of their households.

BISP 8171 Program 2025 Check New 13500 March Installment Schedule

BISP 8171 March Payment Update Check Eligibility Online Via CNIC

Updates Of BISP Kafalat 13500 March Installment

Many updates have made in BISP Kafalat 13500 March Installment. From which the beneficiaries of the program can directly benefit. Here are some features of BISP Kafalat 13500 March Installment.

  • March 13, 2025 payments of 13500 will be provided to the eligible persons.
  • The series of payments has started regularly from March 2025.
  • It has been decided to include people from 13 more districts of Pakistan for the payment of BISP Kafalat 13500.
  • An effort is being made to include as many women as possible in this program. Especially those women who have no earning member in their household.

BISP 8171 March 2025 Payment Verification Via CNIC

Eligibility Criteria For BISP Kafalat 13500 March Installment 2025

To qualify for the BISP Kafalat program, the applicant must first meet the eligibility criteria. Only those who meet the eligibility criteria will be provided with the March installment of 13500. The eligibility criteria for this program are as follows.

  • Individuals belonging to low-income families whose monthly income is less than 50 thousand.
  • Widows, divorced women and single mothers are given special preference in this program.
  • The applicant should not own any land, property or vehicles.
  • The applicant or any of his family members should not have traveled to another country.
  • The applicant should be a permanent resident of Pakistan.
  • To get assistance from this program, it is necessary that the applicant should be at least 18 years of age.

بی آئی ایس پی کفالت پروگرام 2025 حکومت پاکستان کا کم آمدنی والے خاندانوں کی خواتین کی مدد کے لیے ایک بہت بڑا مالیاتی پروگرام ہے۔ اس پروگرام میں خواتین کو بااختیار بنانے کے لیے بھرپور کوششیں کی جا رہی ہیں۔ بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام میں خواتین کو مشترکہ بنیادوں پر 13500 کے وظائف دیئے جاتے ہیں۔ جس کا بنیادی مقصد کمزور گھرانوں کی خواتین کے سر پر پڑنے والے مالی بوجھ کو کسی حد تک کم کرنا ہے۔

اس پروگرام میں پاکستان بھر کے مزید 13 اضلاع کو بھی شامل کرنے کا ہدف رکھا گیا ہے۔ تاکہ زیادہ سے زیادہ مستحق خواتین کو پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن کا موقع مل سکے۔ اگر آپ اہلیت کے معیار پر پورا اترتے ہیں، تو یقینی بنائیں کہ آپ نے 8171 پورٹل کے ذریعے اپنی حیثیت اور ادائیگی کی اہلیت کی جانچ کی ہے۔ اگر آپ پروگرام کے لیے اہل ہیں، تو آپ یہ رقم حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔

BISP 8171 February 2025 Payment Criteria For 13500 Installment

Guide To Register For BISP Kafalat Program

To get BISP Kafalat 13500 installment, it is necessary to complete the registration in the UP program. Individuals who meet the eligibility criteria. Only then can they complete the successful registration process. Follow these steps to register.

  • Visit any of the nearest BISP registration offices in your district.
  • While going to complete the registration process, take all your necessary documents with you.
  • Ensure that all your documents are up-to-date and latest.
  • Upon reaching the BISP registration office, ask the Benazir Income Support Program staff to complete your registration process.
  • The BISP staff will ask for all your documents.
  • After this, your NSER survey will completed.
  • The NSER survey is conducted to estimate the poverty score.
  • Because only those people whose poverty score meets the criteria given in the program. Only those who successfully complete the registration process in the program.
  • After completing the survey, complete the biometric verification process for your identity.
  • As soon as the biometric verification process is completed, the process of checking all your information will start.
  • Once your screening is complete, you will receive an eligibility confirmation message from the program within a few days.

BISP 8171 March 2025 Stipend Update Check 13500 Stipend Complete Guide

Check Eligibility In BISP Kafalat Program After Registration

As soon as you complete the registration process. After that, you can easily check your eligibility. To check the eligibility, you can use the online method or SMS service.

Via Web Portal: To check the eligibility online, enter your 13-digit CNIC and the captcha code given in the image on the BISP 8171 website and click on the submit button. Then the information about your eligibility will displayed to you.

Via SMS: If you do not have an internet facility, then you can also get your eligibility information through SMS. To check the eligibility through SMS, send your CNIC number to 8171 SMS service. After which you will immediately receive an eligibility confirmation message.

BISP 8171 Online 13500 March Payment Check By CNIC

BISP 8171 13500 Payment Withdrawal Method After Registration

After registering for the program, eligible individuals can receive their March 13500 payment through the following methods.

Receiving Payment From Payment Centers: Eligible individuals in the program can choose any of the nearby BISP Payment Centers or Campsites to receive their cash payment.

Through Bank Service: If you want to receive the payment amount easily and quickly, you can also use digital banking. Through bank service, you can receive your money through the following channels.

  • Easypaisa Mobile Account
  • UBL Omni
  • HBL Contact
  • Al-Falah Bank
  • Money Order Agents
  • Jazz Cash Account

BISP 8171 Kafaalat Program March Installment Disbursement Process At Campsites

Common Issues In BISP Kafalat Payment 13500

  • If you are not getting the eligibility confirmation message from 8171 for payment of BISP Kafalat 13500. Then make sure that you have provided your correct number during registration.
  • If your number is correct, then visit any of your nearest BISP Tehsil Center to resolve this issue.
  • If your payments are getting delayed, then check your eligibility again on the 8171 web portal.
  • If you are not getting sufficient information from the web portal, then contact the BISP helpline and get your information.
  • If you have provided wrong information during the NSER survey. Then visit the BISP Tehsil Office again with all your documents and update your survey.

Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Payments Has Started Verify & Get Your Payment 

Conclusion Eligibility & Withdrawal Details

BISP Kafalat Program 2025 is a huge financial program by the Government of Pakistan to support women from low-income families. In this program, great efforts are being made to empower women. In the Benazir Kafalat Program, women are given scholarships of 13,500 on a shared basis. The main objective of which is to reduce the financial burden on the heads of women from weak families to some extent. This program has also targeted to include 13 more districts across Pakistan.

So that as many deserving women as possible get the opportunity to register in the program. If you meet the eligibility criteria, make sure that you have checked your status and your payment eligibility through the 8171 portal. If you are eligible for the program, you can get this amount. For any help or to get more information, contact the BISP helpline. Stay informed about the latest updates provided regarding the program. So that you can receive all the information on time.

BISP 8171 Eligibility Check Sms Portal For March 13500 Installment