Mon. Feb 10th, 2025
BISP Program Update

BISP Program Update 10500

BISP Program Update: BISP program update 10500 payment has stopped in 40 districts. Benazir Income Support Program has released new payments for the kafalat program. The payout amount in Benazir Kafalat program has been increased from Rs 10,500 to Rs 13,500 for 2025. This payment amount is given to the eligible persons every three months. 10500 payments have been issued to all those who could not receive all the payments of 2024, besides, payments of 10500 have been stopped in 40 districts of the country including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Because the women of all these districts have taken a payment of 10500. Now these women have been issued a new payment of 13500 for 2025. Women who took their survey also received the new payment amount. Apart from this, the stipend was also not released to all those women who did not take the NSER survey. They are advised to complete their NSER survey and re verification process before the last date. So that their payments can be made on time.

BISP Conducting Live E-Kachehri With Rubina Khalid On 13th January

BISP Program Update

Benazir Kafalat 13500 Installment Has Released In More Than 100 Districts

Districts Where BISP 10500 Payment Has Stopped?

As you have been told, there are 40 districts of the whole country where the payments of 10500 of Benazir Kafalat program have stopped. Because this amount of payments had started long ago. And all those women who were to receive their last payment have received the scholarship money. Therefore, the series of payments of 10,500 has stopped there. 10500 payments have stopped in all districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. And there the first quarter payment of 13500 has started.

Women registered in the program are now receiving new payments. Apart from this, the amount of educational scholarships for children has also released. The women who did not receive the payments of education scholarships for their two-year-old children. They have issued double payments by Benazir Taleemi Wazaif.

Change Of Address Procedure For Benazir Kafalat Payments

Who Can Get BISP 13500 Payment?

Benazir Income Support Program has released the first payment of 13500 for the sponsorship program. These payments have issued in more than 100 districts of Pakistan. All those women who have received all payments of 2024. They can take payment of 13500. In addition, those women who have recently completed their registration process. Payments of 13500 have issued for them as well. For the women who have completed the NSER survey, the amount of payment of the kafalat program has also released.

Apart from this, no new amount has released for those women who have not yet completed their verification process. Because they will get the amount of payments increase. When they complete their re verification process or take their NSER survey. Therefore, those women who still do not know whether payments have issued in their districts or not. So they can find out by using the 8171 web portal.

Benazir Taleemi 4500 For Children Whose Parents Eligible For Benazir Kafalat 13500 Payment

Procedure For Checking The Amount Of BISP Program Update Payments

The procedure to check the payment amount of the Benazir Kafalat Program is very easy. Before going to collect the payment, check whether your payments have received or not. Here is the procedure to check Benazir Kafalat program payments.

 8171 Web Portal : 8171 web portal is very important for BISP payment and eligibility check. Here you can check your payment amount.

  • To check the amount first open in your chrome browser.
  • A form will appear there. Enter your ID card and captcha code and click on the find button.
  •  After that your payment status will displayed in front of you.

Through SMS service: If you do not have an internet facility, you can also use SMS service.

  • Open the message option of your mobile.
  •  And write your ID card number in it without dashes and send it to 8171.
  • After some time, you will receive a confirmation message regarding the payment.

 Benazir Income Support Tehsil Office: If you are not getting correct information regarding your payments. So take your identity card and visit Benazir Tehsil Office. And get information regarding your payment amount there.

Through Helpline:You can also use the helpline to check your eligibility for new payments. Get all the details by calling the BISP helpline 080026477 directly to check your payment eligibility.

BISP Double Payment 10500+13500 Notification Issued 

BISP 13500 Payment Collecting Procedure

Benazir Income Support Program’s new kafalat program payments have released through the camp site. Where the eligible people can take their payments after completing their screening process. But there are some people who face problems in biometric verification. They can also receive their payments through alternative methods like a bank account, Jazz Cash account or face verification. Remember to carry your original ID card and necessary documents with you while going to collect payments from the campsite. Your verification process will completed there. And your payments will released to you as soon as the verification process completed.

BISP 13500 Installment Withdrawal Process Via Campsites In January 

Conduct e-Kachhari by Benazir Income Support Programme

There is great news for Benazir Income Support Program beneficiaries. On January 13 i.e. today, BISP organized an E. Kachehri b. In Benazir Income Support Program chairperson Senator Rubina Khalid, the beneficiaries can talk directly and tell about all their problems. The live call will held from 12 noon to 1 pm. All those people who are facing payment problems in their districts. Or such persons who are becoming ineligible after their repeated registration in the program, or such persons who are facing any problems regarding payments. So they can direct all their problems to the BISP Chairperson. Call 051924621 to speak to Center Rubina Khalid.

Note: Before calling, write down your National Identity Card and your mobile number. Because your identity card and mobile number will asked to solve the problems.

بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام سے فائدہ اٹھانے والوں کے لیے بڑی خوشخبری ہے۔ 13 جنوری یعنی آج کے دن بی آئی ایس پی نے ای کچہری کا اہتمام کیا۔ بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کی چیئرپرسن سینیٹر روبینہ خالد میں مستحقین براہ راست بات کر کے اپنے تمام مسائل بتا سکتے ہیں۔ لائیو کال دوپہر 12 بجے سے 1 بجے تک ہو گی۔ وہ تمام لوگ جو اپنے اضلاع میں ادائیگی کے مسائل کا سامنا کر رہے ہیں۔ یا ایسے افراد جو پروگرام میں بار بار رجسٹریشن کے بعد نااہل ہو رہے ہیں، یا ایسے افراد جنہیں ادائیگیوں کے حوالے سے کسی قسم کی پریشانی کا سامنا ہے تو وہ اپنے تمام مسائل بی آئی ایس پی کے چیئرپرسن کو بتا سکتے ہیں۔ سنٹر روبینہ خالد سے بات کرنے کے لیے 051924621 پر کال کریں۔

Benefits Of Face Verification In The Benazir Kafalat Program For 2025

Conclusion Of BISP Program Update

The Benazir Kafalat Program is trying to make life easier for millions of families by providing them with money. About 90 lakh people registered in this program. Who is getting their payment amount every three months. Apart from this, in addition to aid money, facilities such as health, food and education are also provided in this program. The payments of 10,500 under the Benazir Kafalat program have stopped in 40 districts across the country, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 13500 has released for new payments in these districts. If you also want to get assistance from Benazir Income Support Program. So go to any nearest BISP tehsil office immediately and complete the registration process. And get the amount of payments.

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif January 2025 Payments Collection Process After Bay Form Verification