Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
Benazir Kafaalat New Payment

Benazir Kafaalat New Payment 13500

Benazir Kafaalat New Payment: Finally, after a long wait, the time has come when the date of the Benazir Kafalat Program’s 13500 payments has been officially announced. For all the beneficiaries who have been waiting for their payments for a long time, there is great news that the Benazir Income Support Program has announced the release of January to March installments. Under which the beneficiaries can follow the procedure mentioned in this article and see the list of their districts. Which are the districts where the first payment of 13500 of the Benazir Kafalat Program will be released. In this article, you will be told from which districts the first phase of the distribution of phased payments from January to March will be started. Apart from this, you will be told in detail the procedure for receiving payments.

This article will also provide you with complete information regarding Benazir Educational Scholarships. Women who have recently completed the registration process for themselves and their children. They will be able to receive their children’s educational scholarship payments after receiving the installment of 13500. If you also want to receive assistance from the program, then read this article carefully because it has given you complete guidance.

Latest Kafalat Program New Payments Released New Update 2025

Wazir e Azam Ehsaas Program New Payment 13500 Starts For New Eligible

When Will The Kafalaat New Payment 13500 Be Released?

Beneficiaries who have not yet received the installment of 13500. They are waiting to see when their payment amount will be released. So let us tell you that according to the latest update of the Benazir Income Support Program, the payments of 13500 from January to March will be released in the last week of February or early March. Like last year, this time too, to ensure transparency, the program payments will be divided into different phases. In which some districts will be included in the first phase.

Similarly, the remaining districts will be included in the second, third and then the fourth phases. In addition, the districts to be included in the first phase by the Benazir Income Support Program have also been decided. In which the payments of 13500 of BISP will be released in the first 37 districts. The people living in these districts can receive their money immediately as soon as the payment amount is released.

Update BISP Kafalat New Payment 13500 Release Date

In Which Districts Will The New Payment Of Benazir Kafaalat 13500 Be Issued?

As you have been informed, the Benazir Kafalat Program payment will be released in late February or early March. Some of the districts will start the first payments. A list of 37 districts has been released by the Benazir Income Support Program. The residents of these districts should receive their money as soon as the payment amount is released. Because if they delay their money or do not receive it on time, their payments may be suspended. Or they may also be disqualified from the program. The names of the districts in which the installment will be released in the first phase issued by BISP are as follows.

Rahim Yar KhanMalakandChaghiHyderabad
Tando M KhanKharanTando AllaYarSajawal
MardanChiniotTaunsaDG Khan
JaffarabadDadu  JamshoroQila Saifullah
Qila AbdullahChamanPishin DistrictTank District
Toba Tak SinghMianwaliMultanBadin
BannuKalat,SohbatpurSohrab DistrictMastung
Nushki DistrictKacchiJhungLodhran
Jacob AbbadQambar Shahdadkot  Jhal MagsiNasir Abad

Ehsaas Nashonuma Program Online Registration Latest Update 2025

How To Receive Benazir Kafaalat New Payment After It Is Released?

As soon as the Benazir Kafalat Program 13500 payments are released, the eligible persons can receive the payment amount using any method according to their convenience. Different methods have been introduced by BISP to receive payments under this program, the details of which are as follows:

Through Cash Centers: People who live in remote and rural areas. Who do not have bank facilities. They can receive their payment amount at the cash centers designated by BISP.

Through Bank or ATM: People who live in urban areas and have linked their bank accounts with BISP. Then they will be able to receive their payments directly from their bank or ATM.

Through Mobile Wallets: People who live in extremely backward areas and do not have bank or payment center facilities. They can receive their payments through their mobile wallets such as Jazz Cash or Easypaisa.

بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام کی طرح اہل ماؤں کے ساتھ ان کے بچوں کے تعلیمی وظائف کی رقم بھی وصول کی۔ لیکن چند ماہ سے بچوں کے تعلیمی وظائف کی ادائیگیاں روک دی گئیں۔ کیونکہ اہل بچوں کی تصدیق کا عمل مکمل نہیں ہوا تھا۔ جس کی وجہ سے تعلیمی وظائف کی رقم عارضی طور پر روک دی گئی۔ جیسے ہی بچوں کی تصدیق کا عمل مکمل ہو جائے گا۔ اس کے بعد اہل مائیں بے نظیر کفالت پروگرام کی ادائیگیاں وصول کرنے کے بعد اپنے بچوں کی ادائیگی حاصل کر سکیں گی۔

Document Verification Process Start For Benazir Taleemi Wazifa 4500 And Kafaalat Program 13500

BISP Taleemi Wazaif Payments Updates

Like the Benazir Kafalat Program, along with the eligible mothers, they also received the educational scholarship money of their children. But the payments of the educational scholarships of the children were stopped for a few months. Because the verification process of the eligible children was not completed. Due to which the amount of educational scholarships was temporarily stopped. As soon as the verification process of the children is completed. After that, the eligible mothers will be able to receive the payment of their children after receiving the payments of the Benazir Kafalat Program.

Such women who have not received the payments of the two installments of their children. And they have recently completed the verification of the Bay Form of their children and their NSER survey. After which they have also received the eligibility message from BISP. So they will be able to receive the double payments of their children in addition to the installment of 13500 of the Benazir Kafalat Program. But such women who have not completed the verification process. They may be disqualified from the program. Therefore, women who are waiting for their children’s educational scholarship payments will be able to receive their children’s money after receiving 13,500.

Ehsaas Program New Payment 13500 NSER Survey Registration


Benazir Kafalat Program New Payment Schedule has been released. Women who have not yet received their first installment of 13500 from January to March. Their payments have been announced. Those beneficiaries who are still waiting for their payments. There is great news for them that their payment amount will be released in late February or early March. In the first phase of the Benazir Kafalat Program, the names of 37 districts have been released.

In which the payment of 13500 will be released first. If you are regularly benefiting from the Kafalat Program and your district is among the districts. Where payments will be released in the first phase. Then you can receive your money without wasting time. For more information, you can also contact the BISP helpline. Or you can visit the Benazir Income Support Program Tehsil Office.

BISP New Taleemi Wazifa 4500 Registration Start By CNIC