Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) 

Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP): Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP)  has created by the Government of Pakistan to help the poor and vulnerable sections. Under this programme, the poor and financially weak people of the society are helped. This program is a social security initiative by the government. The Benazir Income Support programme launched in 2008. The aim of which is to reduce poverty in the country and help low-income families. And the living conditions of the underprivileged were to improved. In the starting, this programme was specially given financial support to the poor and financially weakest families.

But with the passage of time, this program was greatly expanded. And many changes were seen in it. And now this programme has restricted to many more branches. In which Benazir Kafalat Programme, Benazir Nashonuma Programme and many similar programs are working under its shadow.The Benazir Income Support Programme is providing assistance to people in all the provinces of the country namely Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as the Federally.

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Main Objectives Of BISP

There are many reasons for starting the Benazir Income Support Programme. Some of which are:

  •  The objective of the program is to reduce the economic difficulties faced by low-income families and improve their quality of life.
  •  Under this programme, poor families have helped to make them reliable. Apart from this, they are also getting help in their basic needs of food, housing, health and care.
  • Benazir Income Support Programme provides financial assistance to women heads of households. The purpose of which is to empower women financially and create self-confidence in them.
  •  Under the programme, it is ensure that the backward, poor, disabled and old people are included in the economic development of the country.
  •  Along with cash assistance, the Benazir Income Support Programme also actively promotes initiatives to improve health and education outcomes.

Benazir Income Support Programme Target Beneficiaries

The Benazir Income Support Programme designed to help certain sections of people. Some of which are detailed below.

  •  Under the programme, families with working income supported. That is, families who are living below the poverty line. These households specifically target.
  •  In the income support programme, special emphasis placed on women heads of households. The purpose of which is to make them economically empowered.
  • The aim of this programme is to include disabled people in social and economic development.
  •  Senior citizens and orphans are also provided additional assistance under this programme.
  •  Income Support Programme provides equal assistance to both rural and urban areas. Apart from this, remote areas has also given full priority for assistance.

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Challenges And Criticisms In BISP

Although the Benazir Income Support Programme has achieved a lot of success. And it is a lifeline for many people. But there are many challenges in this program, some of which are as follows.

 Default in data: Although Benazir Income Support Programme provides its assistance under a strict targeting. But still there are many concerns of errors in social and economic registry. Which sometimes lead to the disqualification of eligible families or their exclusion from the program.

Intervention of political parties: As other welfare institutions in Pakistan are criticized. In the same way, Benazir Income Support Programme also target by political parties. Political considerations influence the lists of beneficiaries. As a result of which many people claim that this program biased.

Limited Social Services: The Benazir Income Support Programme provides income support. Apart from this, this program also takes many measures regarding health and education services. Many people are still unable to access quality education and quality healthcare due to the lack of basic services in remote areas.

 Budget limitations and Sustainability: Under this programme Substantial amount of cash transfer to lakhs of people. Ensuring financial stability and avoiding future budget cuts is a huge challenge.

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Eligibility Criteria For BISP

The following are the eligibility criteria to be eligible for the Benazir Income Support Programme and receive assistance from it.

  1.  In order to submit an application in this program, the female applicant must have a valid up-to-date identity card.
  2.  For this program, widows, divorcees and other women whose households do not have male breadwinners can be eligible.
  3.  Physically and mentally challenged persons are also eligible for this program.

بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام پاکستان کا سب سے بڑا فلاحی پروگرام ہے۔ جو سماجی بہبود کے اقدامات میں سے ایک ہے۔ اس پروگرام کا مقصد غریب لوگوں کو مالی امداد فراہم کرکے غربت سے نکالنا اور پسماندہ طبقات کو معاشی طور پر بااختیار بنانا ہے۔ بینظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام نقد رقم کی منتقلی کے نظام اور تعلیم اور صحت کی دیکھ بھال جیسی خدمات کے ذریعے لاکھوں ضرورت مند خاندانوں کی مدد کر رہا ہے۔

اس پروگرام کو کامیاب اور طویل مدت تک موثر بنانے کے لیے پروگرام میں ہدف بندی، شفافیت اور پائیداری ضروری ہے۔ آبادی کی ضروریات کے مطابق ترقی کرتے ہوئے اور نئی ٹیکنالوجیز کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے بہترین طریقوں کو اپناتے ہوئے، بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام پاکستان میں غربت کے خاتمے اور سماجی ترقی کے لیے ایک طاقتور ذریعہ بن سکتا ہے۔

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Benazir Income Support Programme is the biggest welfare program of Pakistan. Which is one of the measures of social welfare. The objective of this program is to lift the poor people out of poverty by providing financial assistance and to economically empower the marginalized communities. Benazir Income Support Program is helping millions of needy families through a cash transfer system and services like education and health care.

Targeting, transparency and sustainability in the program are essential to make this program successful and effective for a long period of time. By evolving according to the needs of the population and adopting best practices using new technologies, the Benazir Income Support Program can become a powerful tool for poverty alleviation and social development in Pakistan.

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